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Music reviewsSoutheast Asia

Siga Nu Betul – Salsé

Siga Nu Betul is a confirmation of the fact that there’s a quality music everywhere. I’ve said it before and I will repeat it. However, the other fact is – with the literal avalanche of music online there’s almost no chance one will be found (not to mention heard) if this or that artist has no massive support from some known label. Sure, there are exemptions, but you know what I mean.

Mangison, Siga Nu Betul
Mangison (Mohamad Rahadian), Siga Nu Betul

In my quest to find some of the finest examples of Indonesian music I usually browse Youtube, Reverbnation or Bandcamp. The last one mentioned has brought me to Mohamad Rahadian, also know as Mang Ison (or Mangison) and his project Siga Nu Betul’s first official release titled “Salsé”. And from the very first listen I knew I need to review it. And, by the way, I also bought it for my collection (you know, that’s how you support the artists).

This little (mini-) album clocks just under 20 minutes, but thist time will be spent in a nice dream-like state.

Mangison weaves a dreamy web from shoegaze, ambient, dream pop and post-rock and while I am no expert in these (well, I don’t claim to be expert in anything, to be honest), I know a good music when I hear it. I usually go with the statement like this one – if you listen to some album more than twice, then it’s good. Because, there’s so much stuff to catch, some albums simply don’t get the luxury of multiple listenings…this one does, though.

Let me tell you – are you in need a little break from your surroundings? these less than 20 minutes of Siga Nu Betul’s music will definitely help you.

Personally, my song of choice is definitely “In Awe” (which, incidentally, is also the longest song of this mini-album, clocking in almost 6 minutes).

And the album itself is my companion on my way to work. Enough said. Oh, not really – check also the interview with this interesting artist – obviously, on Indokult!

Bandcamp: https://siganubetul.bandcamp.com/album/sals

Rudolf Schütz

The creative mind behind the Indokult.com,a fervent connoisseur of cultural treasures, with an unwavering passion for Asian and Indonesian movies and music. He is a true aficionado, driven by a desire to unearth hidden gems and shed light on the often-overlooked. From the grand stages of mainstream performances to the gritty underground scenes, Rudolf is equally at home, recognizing that every note and frame tells a unique tale. As a cultural enthusiast, Rudolf is not just an observer but a storyteller in their own right. Through his insights, analyses, and reviews, he shares the captivating narratives that ripple through Asia's music and movie scenes. Whether it's a haunting melody that resonates from Indonesia's hidden corners or a cinematic masterpiece that transports you across time, Rudolf is your trusted guide to the captivating world of cultural expressions.

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