September 18, 2024
Furiously thrashing Surabaya (an interview with FETTER)
September 15, 2024
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve sat down and watched a movie. Any movie. However, as Indokult is dedicated not only to the realm of Asian music, but also of Asian movies (and other aspects forming the culture of Asia), with a renewed strength I have embarked on the journey to bring to your attention some worthy examples of the Asian cinematic art. And I am pretty sure we’re gonna encounter also some less-then…
Adana Project is my first encounter with Armenian metal music, and I have to say straight away, I was – and still am – more than pleased with their music offering. Fronted by the amazing Mane Tonoyan, with the vocal ability similar to Florence Welch (Florence and the Machine), this group of Armenian musicians bring to the listeners the plethora of Armenian folk tunes mixed with the symphonic/heavy metal. I’m not gonna say it’s a…
I couldn't miss the release of the new album by Suffer In Crease - and obviously, I need to write a review of it!
I’ve come in contact with Fitrah from the Indonesian label/distro No Label Records by pure – and rare – chance: through his small DIY fanzine ARUS BAWAH (namely, #6 from 2008, if I am not mistaken). 15 years is a lot of time, but as a former zine publisher (and of course, a fanzine lover) myself, I couldn’t resist the urge to get in touch with person(s) behind this fanzine to learn more about it.…
After immersing myself into the music of District Unknown and Afreet, it was only logical – to quote Spock from Star Trek – that I had to contact these guys to learn more about their music journey. What follows is the interview with Suleiman (and it goes without saying on behalf of myself and the readers of I am eternally grateful for his time replying to my questions). Hello, guys and thank you very…