Interview with Party At Eden

Thanks to me following various sources for the Indonesian music, I’m often coming into the contact with various artists I would have no chance to know otherwise. Such is the case of the a relatively new band called Party At Eden. Thanks to Nous Media, a media company I am following, I’ve spotted the announcement of the bands first official single…and things got rolling!
Obviously, I am always curious to find out more, so I’ve asked the band a few questions. Are you in a party mood? Good, so let’s go!
Good evening (it’s a proper autumn evening here in the UK), how are you doing? By the way, thanks a lot for your time doing this interview!
Good Evening from Indonesia.. rainy days out here, such a good day to have mellow vibes, hahaha. Thank you for having us! we’re doin great, how about you??
Well, I certainly can’t complain! Now, first question – where do you come from? All I know is that you are from Indonesia, but we all know that that’s a really broad term geographically… 🙂
Yup, that’s correct..we’re based of the capital city in Indonesia, Jakarta. To be more specific, the band was formed in North Jakarta.
I am pretty sure there is an interesting story behind the formation of the band…in other words, when and how have you got together as a band? What was the primary impulse driving you towards your desire to communicate through your music?
Of course there’s a reason and story behind all of it… and, where should I start?Lol.. For short, a young man that having 11 years of experience on the music industry (Which is me) tired with all the things that happened in my former bands and make a decision to looking for a potential value from the Industry nowadays, struggling with all the great freakin’ people around me that have a Superb skills but ostracized by the community makes me wanna show that all of “these people” (We) can do something great too. Speaking of the history of the band itself, this band actually began with the name of “Dejavou” and then turns into “Joker’s Diary” but due the reformation of the band member, I decided to change the name with the new line & for the band rejuvenation to be “Party at Eden” with a discussion with other members. Despite from the old name of the band, changing it into a new one creates significant value of the band’s name. When we have experience something in our life, we consider our songs as our “Vibes” which means a real phenomenon that exist in this beautiful world. So basically, “Party at Eden” is a bunch of Millenials that create their own party by making songs which considered as their “Vibes” that they experience on modern life culture in this this world.. it’s so common right? (LOL) Actually this band unofficially formed on October 2020, we met on my house and having a record for a song cover on Youtube for the first try attempt in the middle of a pandemic era.
I gather all the members that on average that don’t know each other, each members have unique characters and different vibes. And these various feel of our different emotions blend & completing one each other. I met Elly in 2018, a beautiful woman with a strong voice & unique character..and voila ! there it is she’s a finalist from The Voice Indonesia 2019.. you should check her out on youtube.
Then Silvester, He’s my mentor on 2015. I saw his brave, heavy & deadly riffs, remembering his background as a guitarist in brutal death metal band so I caught up on him as part of the band on 2017 with the name of “Joker’s Diary” until now.
Hadi is a smart-ass introverts with a precise solfegio gift, therefore he own his perfect tone. He used to be my Junior in my musical organization but now he’s “not so junior”. No more junior Lol.
And then Victor, He also used to be my mentor on my musical organization but never play guitars on 2015. Until I know that he’s an ex-soloist & ex- leader of Yngwie Malmsteen Group, I think that he can comes with his powerful shred to keep up Silvester’s Riffs & Hadi’s japanese tone colour; because they have a same japanese music references.
You describe your music as “djent” or “djent rock”. Now, djent is one of the genres I am aware of, but not really familiar with. So, for the sake of me (haha) and those readers who share this fate with me, how would you describe djent? And why djent, exactly?
Hahahaha for the sake of us all..well, according to the journal, articles & the source that I read or hear.. They said that Djent is a metal subgenre made up of palm-muted riffs, staccato, guitar tapping and bass playing through a high gain amplifier and accompanied by a trigger bass drum. That I know.. Mårten Hagström is the pioneered the sound djent (by many source) so it is sounds like dj, dj, dj, djeeeent ! dj, djeeent ! so they called it djent..and also many people said its not a Genre though… it is a matter of misconception, it’s a bit funny indeed (LOL). I agreed with all their statement, there’s nothing wrong with it but maybe for me…it’s a sub-culture of modern metal that have a specific low distortion tone then you can combine it with progressive things,math things, hardcore things and so on. You can probably transfer anything complicated from your head into your mouth and then into your instrument and voila.. djent ! Lol. I know it’s not that easy but I found that this is my music, this is my identity so i pour it all in this band with my whole heart because music is life to me, Music is diverse based on the individual habit where the people lives,loves, experiencing the phenomenon, and one of the mysteries of life besides Religion,Science & Mathematics. In shorts, it’s about the Feelings & Grooves in our music.
So yeah, we want to introduce this kind of music to the others, Especially in Indonesia. We want to be the 1st djent band with the best quality of fronted female vocalist in Indonesia. For our music characters, We also add many spices and elements from Modern Progressive Metal, Groove Metal, Metalcore and also Post-hardcore. With that variants of elements in our music, we also categorized our music as “Edgy Djenty”, which we write and arrange our music as a millennials with modern urban life, depends on what we experience.

You have recorded a couple of covers, which really showcase your musical (and vocal) abilities (my favourite is your take on Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance”, well done!) – how did you choose the songs you wanted to cover?
Thank you very much ! We appreciate that.. Basically, we want to make this “ Djent” things is easy to hear by all the people that listening to the mainstream pop songs. So.. we choose the most popular Top 40 charts songs that every people ever heard before, so they could used to hear it. For me, it’s analogicaly defined as a ”Bridge” .. you got what I mean.. Also, we look after the most frequent song used on social medias, e.g. TikTok and Instagram (covers)
Doing covers is one thing – but this month (October 2021) saw also the release of your first official single, “Alphawave”. What can you tell us about it? What is its lyrical concept?
For sure.. the “Alpha Wave” itself is based on the meaning of the word “Alpha” which means “beginning, first, & Start” considering that this single is the first single for Party at Eden. The meaning behind the word “Alpha” also represents the early spirit of teenagers in their youth to face obstacles every day. On the other hand, the word “Wave” here defines waves literally,it’s constantly doing something same over and over and over and over again without giving up.. but also this waves defined with biased and implied meanings to represent the unstable nature of a teenager, that’s the relation.
In this single, Party at Eden tries to give a perspective on life for teenagers who are looking for identity and experiencing times full of uncertainty. With a touch of a younger & fresher melody, it invites teenagers to rise from adversity experienced by their own efforts and also motivates them to be stronger in facing the difficulties they face, both in terms of family, social, love, studies, career and relationships aspects in their personal life. The Lyrical concept it’s emotional by the first person POV & Motivational by the second person POV.. so that we can get connected to our listeners that relate this kinda situations/phase. Well you probably ever experienced that stage of life.. teenager phase.. colourful,optimistic but unstable, feeling so dazed ..That’s us .. Lol.
It’s probably too early to ask about the success of the single, but it’s definitely not early to ask about the future plans – so, what’s cooking in Party At Eden’s kitchen? Any more songs to be revealed soon? Maybe even a physical release anytime soon?
It’s not too’re the first champion actually. Talking about the future..we are cookin’ something for the album from now on with the elements of surprise.. I spoil it a lil’ bit, it will be a plot twist for the storyline.. want to know more? Maybe we should have another interviews for the next Single/ Albums in the future. We must add it to our to-do-list Future plan maybe? Lol. So many songs to be revealed so stay tune…For the “Alphawave” we also have a press release.. the Movie Clip will revealed soon..We hope it’s on November or December for early Christmas gift (LMAO)
What about playing live? Obviously, the situation with COVID-19 pandemic is only slowly getting into the normal, but I am aware live gigs are slowly emerging again…do you plan any live performance with the band? Anything already confirmed?
Yes ! It’s what is we waiting for..Live concert. It is sad that many business industries affected by this COVID-19 situation. Music Industries are one of them, so I don’t even know what will be the next phase in the kinda nowadays about ”New Normal” terms for the people is different, Its “New” Habit for forever or “New” temporary habit into usual normal life.. but I have an optimistic for the live performance plan has been planned & negotiated by the promotors in Tasikmalaya & Bandung, It should be now after releasing our single but it’s postponed until we’re getting better situation. Hopefully, there’s any media or promotors that have an event to make a virtual live gigs or events for us, anyone please.. Lol
We’re almost at the end of this nice little interview – how can fans get in touch with you, where can they check your music?
You completely succeed to make me sad..I hate farewell. For you Rudolf and everyone out there, you guys can get in touch with us in Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Facebook, TikTok, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Resso, YouTube Music, Amazon, Soundtrack by Twitch, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, Napster, iHeartRadio, ClaroMusica, Saavn, Anghami, KKBox, NetEase and MediaNet.. even more in the future just no more farewell..Enough, we will always come back to you..We’re on all music media platforms, so there’s no reason to be so difficult to find us.. Your Interaction on social media & support for hearing our music are meaningful for us.
And, as it’s already a tradition of sorts … any final message to our readers?
What it is supposed to be? Lol. I just want to say that we’re here because of you all.. to find us? Anywhere, I listed the media before..Don’t forget to subscribe, ring up the bell, Share to your social media.. comment on our videos/ feeds so that we know that you are still exist Lol. Stay safe ! Put on your freakin’ mask, short of breath is better than losing your breath, obey the health protocols, also make sure that you guys have already vaccinated! We just need to have a party together in your city/country, just stay alive! Supporting each other..and for you Rudolf Schütz..Thank you very very much.. hopefully INDOKULT are goin’ more greater again and more and more and more.. we’re not end up here..we need to keep in touch ! THANK YOU VERY MUCH EVERYONE ! LIVE & BRING THE POSITIVE VIBES ! WE LOVE YOU !