Interview with Debil

I’ve encountered this band…well, as usual. Playing SROM compilation CD (volume 6). And there they were. And you know how it goes…I just can’t leave it unnoticed!!! Therefore, I’ve asked for an interview, and here it is. Enjoy!
First of all, thank you very much for your time to do this little interview, it’s really appreciated! How are you doing, guys, how’s the situation with COVID in your area? Is it still a widespread problem?
Thank you too! As in other Asian countries and even some countries in the world, Covid is still there and disrupts activities, but with a small intensity scale, unlike a few years ago.
OK, now let’s turn our attention to the band. Believe it or not, but you are a very first band I know from Tasikmalaya! Nice! So, while people can check their maps for your location, can you introduce the band to our readers? When did you start the band and obviously, I can’t resist to ask…why “Debil”?
Debil was born in 2020, at a time when the Covid-19 virus has hit with a very big wave in the world, and became an outbreak of a new wave of punk rock in our small town with a different feel, with a very dangerous formation and bringing songs with the theme of the streets and the reality of life,,, The name „Debil” is taken from the chatter or ridicule aimed at the stocky vocalist, namely Julfi Bengal, with the nickname Dede Gembil and abbreviated as Debil, although in a literal sense the meaning of debil is taken from people who have limitations in thinking, but that doesn’t mean anything.
What is the current line-up of Debil and am I wrong to suppose there was a change of the bass player? Or is it still the old one just with a haircut?
Yes, it’s true that there has been a change in members from Debil, namely from the departure of AGX Dalam on bass, who was replaced by Oka.

Also, have you get an additional guitar player as a permanent band member, or it’s just to help you when in studio or for a live performance?
Yes, at first Debil was assisted by an additional guitar player, but as time went on – and because of the same vision – Ari Opuk finally became a permanent member in Debil.
You play melodic punk/Oi! music, from what I could hear so far…what are your influences and what do you deal with in your lyrics?
With the background of each band member we play a somewhat different street punk music, with roots in Oi! street punk but with heavy metal guitar playing from our guitarist G’I Pram… Our songs are rooted in Oi! street punk 80’s music such as Oxymoron, Cock Sparrer, Skrewdriver, The Business, Vice Squad, Sham 69, The Damned etc., but other influences from guitar playing are influenced by 80’s heavy metal bands like Motörhead, Black Sabbath etc.
A few of your songs are available on Youtube, but it’s hard to find any information about your releases – apart from individual songs released online, do you have any official release out people can check out?
So far we have been included in several compilations of local bands in our country, released an EP by Systrilium Records and a split album with a Malaysian band HIBISCUS.

“Life Must Go On” is an interesting collaboration between Debil and Dodi from Indian Nightmare. How did this collaboration happen in the first place? Do you plan to include guest musicians from other bands in any of your future songs?
Dodi IndianNightmare has been in a scene for a long time in the realm of punk/metal music in our country, we drank together and struggled in music, and indeed, the song has existed before dodi joined Indian Nightmare while still living in Indonesia. to revive soul of the song we finally brought the song and recorded it. Collaboration with other bands, maybe…maybe in your country there is a band, that wants to collaborate with Debil, performing street punk songs, we are ready! Lol!
I’ve already mentioned you’ve come from Tasikmalaya… I have no information about your local scene, can you, please, introduce it to us? Any interesting bands we can check?
In Tasikmalaya, there are many bands that carry the spirit of friendship and the streets, for example, Chaotic School, Discuse, Senteg Beurit, etc. Maybe in the future we can open a blog or website that accommodates bands from our city to be enjoyed by the wider world.
How about playing live? Any interesting gigs/festivals in your area you’ve taken part in?
Yes, we often perform at several gigs in the city and outside the city… And we really hope to be invited to your country lol!

An integral part of the band’s existence is, of course, a merchandise… for those interested in some, what can you offer to your fans, present or future? Any t-shirts or similar things for sale?
Of course we sell physical releases in the form of CDs, T-Shirts and several other merchandise.
Although ¼ of the 2022 is already gone, we have still a few days to go till its end…what are the plans for the band for the rest of the year?
To work on new, fresher music material and tour in several cities in our country.

Any final message for the readers?
The message from Debil for friends in the music scenes Oi! Punk, skinheads, rude boys, moods, herbert, metalheads, etc. … don’t ever stop working and lets move Oi! threat again! Big Cheers!