
Interview with Polwach Beokhaimook

You’ve had the opportunity to meet Polwach already through the interview in my other webzine, Rubber Axe (done by the…

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Nightmare A.D. – Corruptors

Corruptors, the debut 2016 EP from Cambodia-based international unit Nightmare A.D., is my very first – or, if you want…

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Interview with SHADOW FOR MERCY)

The very first character in the alphabet is “A”, so it’s only logical we will start our musical journey through…

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Interview with Bintang Dwinanda (Black Demon Record)

I am pretty sure that for majority of our readers will scratch their heads now…who the hell is Bintang Dwinanda?…

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Drosophila – Frozen Inside

Going back some years, after the debut split with mighty Indonesian black metal horde Santet, DROSOPHILA, the blackened doom/gothic metal…

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Interview with Velvethell

I don’t know how it happened, but with their debut album “Earth” VELVETHELL totally surprised me. I mean, a lot.…

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Interview with Tante Lucy

It should go without saying, but first, let me thank you for your time answering my questionsfor this little interview.…

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Interview with Bangsat

When I’ve received a big bunch of tapes from Indonesia, there were so many great releases! There was also a…

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9 Volt – 9 Volt

Oh, how time flies! I have to admit I’ve neglected basically all my work since the holidays last month, I…

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Interview with Debil

I’ve encountered this band…well, as usual. Playing SROM compilation CD (volume 6). And there they were. And you know how…

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