Back again…and this time it’s serious (I hope).

So, after a little maintenance, is back. You don’t know how happy I feel right now.
Still, I have to admit the maintenance period has taken a bit longer than I would like, but some things are just like that – beyond one’s control. Anyway, the web is back online and I hope to add again a plethora of good music and movies for you to discover and to deepen your love for Asian artists.
Not much has changed, and what has, I hope it is for good. What has changed? Well, I’ve given up on the „News“ section – at least for now – as I couldn’t properly care of it (we all agree there’s a lot of happening in Asian music scene every single day), therefore, for not losing my mind and sanity completely, the best solution was to leave it out for time being. I hope, though, to have it back again once I am properly settled with everything.
I’ve also added a little section about food – not my doing, I am not that good at cooking, but there are some amazing cooks on Youtube I love to watch, and I’ve decided to give them a shout with their recipes. And who knows, maybe in time I’ll start cooking them… Anyway, this section will stay as long as people like it. Nothing is set in stone here and a constant evolution is necessary.
Watch out for some new material to appear here soon! Unfortunately, some interviews (although agreed on) seem not to materialize, but that’s the sad fact of life. Nevertheless, I still wish those artists the best and I hope those interviews will happen some time in the future.
That’s all from your friend and brother-in-culture, Rudolf. I wish you all only the best.